Ellis Wilson and the Lost Paintings (Game Book)

You are standing in the front hallway of the magical museum that houses many artworks and other strange objects.  Your footsteps echo in the large tiled room as you walk to a tall metal statue of an old man.  As you approach, the statue comes to life and reaches out towards you.  You see he is holding a piece of paper between his fingers.  You reach out and take the small paper.  On it is a simple message.
“Dear museum visitor, many paintings by the artist Ellis Wilson are lost, please find three of the paintings and bring them back to me for a reward.  I will offer some clues to guide your adventure.”

As soon as you read the message the writing disappears and is replaced by a new paragraph.

“Ellis Wilson was an African American artist born in Mayfield, Kentucky in 1899.  He is most known for his intensely colored paintings that he produced while visiting the country of Haiti.  Intense colors are colors that are very bright or bold.”

As soon as you finish reading, the entire paper disappears from your hand and is replaced by four 25 cent coins.  A voice booms from the statue, “A little money for your troubles, but once your money reaches zero your adventure is over.” (type $1.00 in the Wallet box under "Pockets" at the right side of your screen)